I was saddened to learn of the trouble Jessica Kaiser has been having with her knees when I saw this video:
She was 500euros short of her target earlier today and I'm happy to see that has now been reached. This however is only to meet the cost of her operation, I'm sure it would be a great help if she received further contributions to help pay for any rehab/physiotherapy costs and whatever else she needs to help her to a full recovery and back performing on stage.
Here is a video of her playing Capricho Catalan, which I'd love to be able to learn one day.
A really beautiful, relaxing piece played to perfection. Enjoy!
I appreciate your tenacity Nathan. I am glad you were able to take some in-person lessons. I am trying to make the most of this isolation as well. We have been busy editing some new projects. Check out the new uploads when you get a chance. What are you working on now?
I saw that Jessica was offering lessons online now, since we're all stuck at home it's going to be tough for the professionals who should be playing at concerts and so on. I sent a message and today I had my first lesson with her. Because of the crowdfunding above I helped her with she kindly said this one was for free, which was very nice of her to do and also to remember.
We spent an hour going over Eterna Saudade which I wanted to try learning on my own with Tabs. She found a few mistakes and a couple of things to change on the sheets, as well as some good advice about phrasing, emphasizing the melody and playing accompanying notes more softly. This is the same advice as can be found in many of the tutorials on here.
She's asked me to record a video for her to see when I'm able to finish the piece and we'll go over it again next time. I'll post it here when it's ready as well.
Other than that I need to go over everything I've learned with eliteguitarist again, there's been gaps in practice and some songs neglected, Natalia especially. Need to make the most of this extra time we've suddenly found ourselves with.
I hope everyone is keeping safe. Take care out there!