Just thought I would post a video of my progress on this wonderful song.
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I am reading through the comments guys and love the interaction and mutual help and encouragement you offer to one another. Keep it up fellows; nobody became successful all alone.
You're welcome :)
Thanks Mohsin for your quick response and good advice!
Hi Kevin, I would suggest to go with the 9th fret, 3rd string. It is simpler, in my opinion. In terms of it mattering, many composers/players rearrange pieces to suit their style/left hand dexterity. I would say that with fingering, choose what makes you feel more at ease and enables you to express yourself better.
For example, the video tutorial of "Julia Florida" taught wonderfully by Taso, in Bar 3 he suggests playing the first note with one's first finger on the second fret of the 3rd string. Taking into consideration that I don't have the same level of control as some players in terms of accuracy when changing strings, I find that I am able to develop a more "singing" legato with a barre. Thus I hold a half barre from Bar 3 to Bar 6. I hope that was helpful. Have a nice day and be to share your work with us. We can all learn from one another. All the best,
First - Thanks to both of your for sharing your performance. I hope to hear more!
Question - Lagrima, on the tab for measure 5, last note:
In the tutorial, Tavi says to play an E on 9th fret 3rd string. The tab shows to play F# on 7th fret 2nd string.
Which is correct or does it even matter? Thanks!
In my humble opinion: Great sound. Good technique. Try to do it more slowly and more dramatic-sad.
I feel the same way about the tempo. It is piece which should be played at a slower tempo to properly convey what Tárrega had intended. In relevance to sharing work, I hope that we can all share more to motivate and support one another.
Jazz; how interesting. Whenever you decide to record more, please let me know. Do you have a youtube channel?
That sounds great Mohsin it's great when others share there work. It makes people feel more comfortable with their playing. I really like your tempo it seems to lose that tearful quality when people rush it. Thanks for the compliment also. I'll record more videos this winter because I like to play jazz during the summer.
Good progress sir. You will be playing it perfectly in no time. I recorded myself playing it a few months back also. There are some mistakes in the video but I play it a lot better now that I've had practice playing it. I try to play at least and hour a day and I find it to be very useful in building muscle memory. I hope to hear more pieces from you and I shall share my progress also. All the best to everyone.
Great Progress on Lagrima,one of my favourites ,But as an aid,remember this in english is called teardrop,you have eventually to make it sound so,play the bass slightly before the melody second time through it helps to get that teardrop feel.I find thinking of a Child sobbing helps.
Thanks, I must have played measures 11 and 12 a 1000 times to get that part down. Recording myself has been a great help I'm able to see my weak areas and focus more on those parts. I'm going to do that video over in a month so I can gauge my progress in playing and recording. A smart phone actually does a pretty good job for videos you should give it a shot.
Sounding good! I'm working on this piece also, but you are further along than me -- I'm still learning the minor section. If I figure out how to record I'll share my progress as well.