My Goya guitar was originally used as a nylon-stringed folk instrument, so it has pins at the heal and end for a strap. I have played classic music on it with a foot peddle and have not yet purchased used the guitar support (ErgoplayTruster) recommended in the Beginning Package. I have at times used a stool with raised foot support to enable my left hand to be in the classical position while playing. My strap method provides proper position, frees both hands, and lends security (of accidental drop or bump), so have found it best so far. There are a large world of non-classical guitarists that wouldn't consider any other approach! Back to the question, why not? Are there ergonomic, acoustic, structural, cultural, aesthetic, or investment reasons not to? I am about to purchase a high-end guitar and wonder about having strap pins added. Your advice, please?
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Hi Daniel, I know of some guitarists who do at times use a strap. It is a valid way to hold the guitar and I can imagine the ergonomic benefits of having a strap. If it feels good, do it.
I suffer from back pain (severe sometimes)...and know my posture has been poor over the years...I have never questioned why classical guitarists don't use a strap... however I have adopted a position now that suits me with guitar over my right thigh supported by a newly acquired GITANO support/rest... which is good value and very portable.. good luck with the strap...but I reckon a few hours practising in a standing position would have a greater toll on my posture..