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Learning to play the guitar is not an isolated experience. As a subscriber to our classical, jazz or blues online guitar lessons get the most out these lessons by getting involved in the EliteGuitarist community. Here you can get valuable help and offer encouragement to other students learning to play the guitar.
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If I could learn El Noi de la Mate...I'd be very's been one of my favorite pieces fof years...I'll try bar at a time..!
I learned WMT last month as well. It was challenging yet doable for me -- besides it is beautiful and masterfully taught by Tavi. If you want another Celtic piece, I suggest "Be Thou My Vision - taught by Taso." Also in Drop D is a three-some of Catalolian pieces that are all gorgeous and masterfully taught by Tavi. These are "El Noi de la Mare," El Testamento d'Alemia," and "Canco de Lladre." I think the first is the easiest. Cheer and stay in touch, Dan
Gerald, Welcome! I recently joined Elite Guitarist (see my bio in Welcome). I, like you, am beginning this fantastic journey. I hope to dust off some past favorites I've picked up over the years -- like Lagrima, Adelita, and Maleguena -- but, am more excited to start anew on some exciting pieces that I've always wanted to play but haven't had the music and excellent tutors to show me the way. Elite Guitarist has given me both of those. And, a third ingredient, time, given my by the pandemic.
Well, back to practicing, Dan
Hi Gerard, when you go to the tutorials page, to the right of the list there is a "See All" button. If click on that, the entire library for that specific category will populate. This way you will be able to see the full library of resources. You can also scroll through all of the tutorials by hovering over the light gray rectangle on the right side of the last tutorial image in each category. I hope this helps.
Gerard. welcome to EliteGuitarist and to our community. What are you starting out with in terms of repertoire? I was supposed to be in Ireland (Belfast) at the beginning of April and was looking forward to that but unfortunately all flights were cancelled due to Covid-19. I wish you the best in your guitar pursuits.